
Numbers: A Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this examination of Numbers, Martin Noth explores the community of the twelve tribes, the organization of the Levites, various divine ordinances, and other important themes in the book of Numbers. Also included is an appendix on daughters’ rights of inheritance.

is treated here, namely the figure of a ‘consecrated person’,* is, in itself, an old phenomenon in Israel. A ‘consecrated person’ = Hebrew nāzīr (with various nominal and verbal derivatives of the same root) = ‘Nazirite’ (the rendering that has become usual), was a person given to God. According to old Israelite tradition, there had been Nazirites in the early period, chosen and appointed as such by the God of Israel himself, remaining ‘consecrated’ for the whole of their life and regarded as a ‘gift’
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